Monday, January 16, 2012

Welcome to 2012

Welcome back to the Hurstville South Public School Library blog :-)
I hope you have had a relaxing holiday and are looking forward to the new school year!
I have had a low key holiday, staying at home or doing day trips to visit friends, go to the movies or shop. My house is a little more organised and I've had time to read a book or two - hope you have too!

With just 2 weeks before school starts back, I have started collecting resources for our first term units and begun thinking about how we will celebrate the National Year of Reading. I have created a wiki page where I hope to gather some great resources. If you find anything you think will help us celebrate, then leave a comment or come and chat to me when school goes back- I'm in the library Monday to Thursday.

One resource that you may enjoy and help other with is we give books. This website lets you read an ebook and then your act of reading enables a child somewhere in the world receive a free book! Check out the website to find out more - it doesn't cost anything to you :-)

Enjoy the rest of your holidays,
Try and read another book or two,
Happy Holidays!
Mrs Blake

1 comment:

  1. Hello Australia!

    I am waking up to a beautiful winter morning here in Maryland in the United States! The birds are coming to get seeds on my back porch and the sun is just coming up bright orange through the trees behind my house. What a beautiful day.

    And I see you have been visiting my website abookandahug! Welcome! We are so glad to have you joining us.

    I would like to invite you all to write your own book reviews on abookandahug. We want to hear what YOU think about the books you're reading.

    You can write your review on abookandahug and it will come through to me. I'll post it on the site for the whole world to read. If you would add your first name and your country, other kids can see what part of the world you live in and maybe they'll write a review for the same book and you can see what someone else thought about the story!

    What a cool way to stretch around the globe.

    Thanks for visiting and I'm going to go have breakfast and start my day.

    Barb Langridge
