Friday, January 31, 2014

Welcome Back ....

I hope you have had a great break and are ready for the new school year!
I also hope this will be the last post on this our "old" library website...
I have decided to improve the way I present resources on the different topics we study at Hurstville South so I have begun a new "weebly" site-  two pages have been started so far for year 1 and year 3 & 4.
Look out for the online changes and look out for changes in the library too.
I plan to update displays and signage to make it easier for the students to find new and interesting books to read :-)
This year I am in the library 5 days a week. If you have some spare time and would like to help, pop in to the library, there is always something to do!

Remember: keep on reading :-)
Mrs Blake